Advanced technology, the ability to innovate and offer a cutting-edge service, but excellence can be reached only with the engagement and the daily effort of each member of the team

In our pursuit of innovation, we collaborate with technology centres, research institutes, leading universities, start-ups and partners who stand out in their field. We work alongside the best to achieve excellence in every solution we develop.

In particular, we have undertaken collaborative activities and are jointly carrying out research and development projects with the "Giorgio Levi Cases Centre for the Study of Energy Economics and Technology", set up at the University of Padua; this is an interdepartmental centre that deals with scientific and technological research into energy sources, their transformation, distribution and end use. The centre brings together and coordinates the energy research activities of 11 departments of the University of Padua and makes use of private and public funding. The aim of the centre is to promote interdisciplinary collaboration between laboratories active in different scientific and technological sectors operating in the energy field, also through the organisation of scientific events, collaborations with national and international research bodies, institutions and companies, and the organisation of university training courses.

With the Department of Computer Science of the University of Verona, whose mission has always been to pursue excellence in scientific research in its areas of expertise and to offer its students a cutting-edge education in step with the needs of the evolving market, we have several collaborative projects of industrial research and experimental development in various fields.


Excellence in scientific research

Our main goal

In 2020 Giordano Controls in collaboration with highly qualified professionals in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Verona, have created an innovative project for the intelligent control of heating systems through reinforcement learning techniques called RL-HEAT (Joint Project).

The central idea of RL-HEAT is to study the use of advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques and in particular Reinforcement Learning for cyber-physical systems, focusing on heating systems. A key objective for RL-HEAT is to appropriately model the problem of adaptive combustion control for a smart boiler, in order to develop and apply new Safe RL techniques to this scenario in order to optimise the control algorithm already patented by Giordano Controls.