Our appliances control 85% of total energy consumption of a residential building and 33% of the global CO2 pollution.
We devote ourselves to reduce polluting emissions due to buildings’ climatization, which is the most important challenge that Europe has to face in order to reach climate neutrality by 2050 (European Green Deal).
According to data provided by Legambiente, in Italy the residential sector is responsible for 64% of the total amount of fine dust (Pm2,5), for 53% of Pm10 and for 60% of CO2.
It is therefore essential to renew climatization systems, aiming at GREEN solutions. One of the possible alternatives, where the direct electrification is not feasible from a technological point of view or extremely expensive in economic terms, is hydrogen, produced by renewable sources and where we are focusing our applied research.
As of today, we are recognized as a visionary partner, financially stable, reliable and particularly innovative in everything that concerns buildings’ climatization. Our electronics manages temperature, humidity and air quality in the different rooms, ensuring utmost efficiency and minimizing polluting emissions.
To do so, we ideated a whole ecosystem (MilkyWay) that starts from the control of hot and cold water generators, of the mechanic ventilation and of the dehumidifiers, to optimize, but mostly to make air and climate healthy in every room.
We equip boilers, hybrid boilers, controlled mechanic ventilation devices, solar systems and we integrate them with environmental thermoregulation through wireless temperature, humidity, C02 and VOC sensors, and through wireless actuators for pumps, zone valves, blender valves, radiators and underfloor heating systems.
We have more than ten years of experience in the field of Wi-Fi, Ble and 4G to connect with the outside world and, in particular, with the cloud for predictive maintenance, analysis and remote control. We use OTA technology to guarantee real-time updates of all our connected devices. Our electronics manage temperature, humidity and air quality in the rooms, maximizing efficiency and minimizing polluting emissions.