Our vocation to innovate by using new technologies is certainly contributing to our growth and recent successes, but the real wealth of Giordano Controls are the people with their stubbornness and talent.
Born in 1962, classical studies and degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Bologna with specialization in Automatic Controls and experimental thesis on artificial kidney entitled "Self-tuning controller for the automatic regulation of periodic hemodialysis".
Officer in the Carabinieri, he worked as a designer in the automotive and HVAC market, spending the last 5 years, before founding Giordano Controls, between Germany and the Czech Republic, guiding prestigious companies in the lighting sector.
He was Vice President of Confindustria Verona, responsible for innovation and start-ups, Board Member of the University of Verona and Member of the Management Committee of the Campiello Prize.
Currently he is:
- National Vice President of ANIE with responsibility for Green Transition and Sustainable Development
- President of Veneto Clima e Energia
- Advisor to the Rector of the University of Verona
- Advisor of the Coverfil Consortium
- General advisor of Fondazione Cariverona
Born in 1965, he is a Shareholder and Member of Giordano Controls’ Board of Directors. He graduated at Bologna University with a degree in electronic engineering and a major in Computer Science and Database Management. From 1992 until 2003 he worked in the HVAC sector, as Product Engineering Manager and later on as Manufacturing Operation Manager.
In 2003 he founded Genius srl, a company that focused on research and development in the HVAC industry, becoming president and R&D Manager.
Having a remarkable experience in monitoring and gaining access to national and European fundings, he now manages the company's innovation policy, coordinating with the marketing and R&D divisions and defining the strategy in terms of products, solutions and technology.
He is an active member of Rete Innovativa Regionale Veneto Clima ed Energia’s management body, he represents Veneto in the committee for territorial subjects of the Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Energia.
As Intellectual Property Manager, he is the author of six national and international patents.