Giordano Controls has always tried to build relations based on trust and to maintain them over time to benefit from the opportunities they may create

This is made possible thanks to a dense network of relationships with many local, regional, national and international entities and establishing collaborations with stakeholders and policymakers.

The participation in regional and national technological clusters allows us to access information on technological trends, to increase the links with the other national players and to keep updated on project’s funding opportunities.

  • Regional networking - collaboration with other managers of Veneto’s regional R&D , with regional and municipal administrations, with confindustria, with Digital Innovation Hub-Speedhub, with the competence center SMACT and with Veneto’s innovative networks (Veneto Clima ed Energia - VCE, ICT for Smart and Sustainable Living - ICT4SSL, IMPROVENET-ICT for Smart Manufacturing Processes Veneto Network)
  • National networking - collaborations with the associations and with the national technological clusters: Assotermica (ANIMA), Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Energia CTNE
  • European networks - collaboration with the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance ECH2A and with IKERLAN, center of technological transfer, member of Mondragon Corporation and linked to the Basque Research and Technology alliance (BRTA)

Giordano Controls promoted the birth and is currently a member of the management team of Rete Innovativa Regionale Veneto Clima ed Energia, a system composed of highly specialised firms operating in the thermo-mechanical sector and of public and private subjects operating in different sectors , able to develop a set of projects and initiatives relevant for the regional economy. RIR Veneto Clima ed Energia, partner of the CTNE (Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Energia), aims at creating new systems, devices and components for the progress of the operating and technological innovation in the environmental, energetic and economic fields, compatible with the goals previously set.


Giordano Controls is a partner of the project Global House Thermal & Electrical Energy Management (GHOTEM) for efficiency, lower emission and renewables», cofounded by Veneto in occasion of POR 2014-2020 Azione 1.1.4 (DGR 1139/2017), ended in april 2021 and aimed at promoting the acceleration of the technological innovation supporting the energetic transition, gathering important challenges related to the energy field , such as the massive usage of renewables, the technological development in the energy efficiency, the innovation for the convenient, zero-emissions heating and cooling, the development of batteries and efficient accumulation systems and the integration of the control and management in view of smart grids.

Duration: 07.11.2017 – 30.10.2020 (extended to  30/04/2021).
Project expenditure: € 5.781.837,00
Allowed support:  € 2.907.181,80

For further insight: 


Giordano Controls is also a partner of the project  «SAFE PLACE. Sistemi IoT per ambienti di vita salubri e sicuri», cofunded by Veneto in occasion of POR 2014-2020 Azione 1.1.4 (DGR 822/2020) aimed at improving functionality, usability and accessibility of all the known classes of devices to face the Covid-19 emergency and allow their integration in IoT based systems, thus realising modular solutions, able to synergistically and flexibly combine different technologies according to specific needs and circumstances.

Duration: 10.09.2020 – 30.12.2022.
Project expenditure:  2.999.480€
Allowed support: 1.973.033,26 €

For further insight: